Research on Roby Muhamad

 In the searching of biography OF Roby Muhamad we found out he is such an adorable figure to recognize about.
Roby Muhamad, is an Indonesia entrepreneur and scientist borned on May 17th 1975 that known for his work with social network dynamic. His work scope are about physics, sociology, and psycology. He got his first undergraduate degree of physics studies in Bandung Institute of Technology. He took magister program in Bandung Institute of Technology in the majority of theoretical physics to deepen his physics knowledge. Not only in science field of studies, but he also  earn his doctororate in sociology from Columbia University.
Roby Muhamad  currently teaching in the Phycology Department in Universiry of Indonesia. Other than being a lecturer, he also a co-owner of the location-based dating app called yogrt. Roby Muhamad along with Duncan J. Watts took a part in putting forward Stanley Milgram’s hypothesis on six degrees of separation, and it was succesfully confirmed.

1. Why work at the department of psychology in the University of Indonesia? Why not work abroad?
2. After graduating from Bandung Institute of Technology majoring in physics, what made you want to take sociology for your master degree?
3. What drives you into collaborating Duncan J. Watts in proving the six degrees of separation hypothesis in Columbia University?
4. In your personal opinion what do you think of the recent popularization by the media regarding to the topic of six degree of separation?
5. What inspired you to join the Columbia Small World Project?
6A What inspired you to join the Columbia Small World Project?
6B. What do you think about the game six degrees of Kevin bacon


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