The Concept of A Social Climber

These days a lot of movies, novels, or even music video talks about something that is related to social media. And all these movies, novels, or music video give us a new way of perspective. In both positive and negative ways. Usually the maker of the movies, novels, or music video give the perspective not in a straight way. But, in an implied or even sarcasm way. The maker also get inspired to make those creation because they want to give their opinion or perspective about one or more issues that happening at the time. For example, the music video of “Panjat Sosial” song or Social Climbing in english which was sung by Rio Ricardo, Gaga Muhammad, and Lula Lahfah. They were talking about their perspective towards one person, Karin Novilda (Awkarin), who was just got famous not because of her achievements or talent. But, in a way due to social media. We as society construct this new concept of being a social climber by exposing one's personal live to the limelight via social media platforms. Due to this, Karin Novilda (Awkarin) an individual without a talent or skill can become outstanding and stands out in our modern world.

The term of “Panjat sosial” thought become popular when a group of celebgram start to bring up their content (it is in a form of music video), they are Lula Lahfah, Gaga Muhammad, and Roy Ricardo. It happens when their group (also because of personal bussines) had some conflict with an independent celebgram her name is Karin Novilda (Awkarin) so that, 3 of them decided to make some content that present a sarcasm opinion about her through that music video. Social climbing concept is also a new prespective in social life. In this digital era of social media also support this condition to occur, we can see trough person by person in their social media and judge them. And also when we judge people, we give them some values, if we think that this person is beautiful, popular, and impresive enough, unconsciously, we must be have some desire to be closer with them or maybe make friend with them. But in this case, the concept of make friend with cool people is oftentimes being misused, because the person seems want to make friend because of their high status ONLY, it was like they get close with them to get the high status that their friends have.

The Conclusion can be summarized as the following: recognizing the talents, traits and skills among people have been easily diminished due to the rise of Social media, reasons can be inferred by the context that our group have chosen for this particular article. The evidence that we've shown from semi criticism song of "Panjat Sosial" by Rio Ricardo, a Celebgram, towards Karin Novilda (Awkarin) a fellow celebgram, shows that such people that do the acts that they do only for the sake of being famous, exist in the world, and social media helps as a tool for their "Path to Success." The spread of information have been easier now more than ever in human history. Moreover it has allowed for people to adopt new ideals such as a Social Climber. Even though our group in it of itself have our opinions on the matter, we decided that showing the aspect as objective as possible is the best way to explain it effectively.

Ais Kirana
Azizah Nurul Izzah
Muhammad Fawwaz Nuruddin


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